Death By Unga Bunga - Raw Muscular Power (Jansen Records)
Release Date: Out Now
Death By Unga Bunga are back, baby, and they've brought the big guns with them. The Norwegian collective have unleashed their new album upon the world and 'Raw Muscular Power' has something special about it so take a wide stance and deep breath because we're going in. The album opens with the title track and we're wheel spinning in a cloud of dust before firing off down the freeway with guitars chugging, drums punching hard and the vocals calling out the 'Bohemian Rhapsody' scene in Wayne's World. On 'I'm Really Old' the energy keeps going but this time with a more Jet meets the Strokes riff which makes you want to hit the coast and find a party on the beach.
The excellent Slotface joins the boys on 'Starchild' for a rock'n'roll romp that has elements of Redd Kross to it but with a rougher edge and a parking lot vibe. Mike Krol joins the party for the pacey 'Therapy' which is in danger of tripping over its self at some points while 'Dogs of Hell' gets back to rocking out with a Hives vibe that brings back a huge number of blissful gig memories and reminds me why I have tinnitus. 'The Recipe' gurns and churns with brilliant indie-rock energy but never takes its eye of the melodic prize and then 'Camouflage' comes crashing in with a couple of brewskis ready to kick the party up a notch or two.
Entering the home straight and we have 'Trembling' which has what can only be described as a gnarly guitar solo followed by 'I'm Going On Vacation' - the holiday anthem you didn't know you needed but definitely what I'll be listening to the next time I walk into an airport. The album finishes with 'Ring meg hvis du trenger en venn' ('Call me if you need a friend' for anyone who doesn't speak Norwegian) and one final flourish of energy going all garage punk house party on our asses and leaving now glass unsmashed on a face. Death By Unga Bunga take no prisoners and don't stop for red lights but they will pick up hitch hikers and they will crash a wedding if there's a free bar. Rock'n'roll isn't dead, it's hanging out in Norway and it is in fine health.
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