as1One feat. Nile Rodgers - All Eyes On Us 
(Thirty Tigers)

Release Date: Out Now

Now, normally I wouldn't be interested in anything as overtly poppy as this but there are mitigating factors to this one. Firstly, anything with Nile Rodgers attached will instantly get my attention and, secondly, the six gentlemen that make up as1One are an impressive bunch. The sextet are made up of  Israeli-Jewish and Palestinian-Arab singers who blend their vocals impressively on this new release 'All Eyes On Us'. This is pulsating and uplifting pop with a Euro-pop to it but also that Chic sound adding some funk and groove to proceedings. "Dance like the whole world is watching, all eyes on us" is the catchy chorus lyric which doubles as both a great pop message and a reminder to their compatriots that the eyes of the world are looking in their direction at this crucial time in history. Music won't stop the wars, John Lennon found that out the hard way, but it can connect with people and remind them of their humanity which is something very special.

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