Emily Davies - Start Anew EP 

Release Date: Out Now

Hot of the presses comes the new EP from Devon based singer-songwriter Emily Davies with her six track collection 'Start Anew'. Opening with the title track, a sense of ease and calm quickly sets over the world as the gentle acoustic strumming, warm piano notes and Davies' comfortingly soft vocals stop all the clocks and quieten the dogs. 'Smoke & Mirrors' has a more skipping, lively beat that puts it shoulder to shoulder with Laura Marling in its modern folk stylings without losing that warmth and sense of worry free life. On 'Unsaid' there is a slightly more edgy vibe with a tightly strummed guitar melody counterbalanced by layer upon layer of that vocal providing a tower of mattresses to smother the pea under the princesses sleepy head. 

The whimsical nostalgia of 'Next Flight' brings to mind Karen Carpenter or Joni Mitchell in all their effortless glory and honest beauty while 'Where I Belong' rolls up and down the piano notes like a sobering up drunk making their way slowly home after a long night out, shoes in hand and smile on face. The final song, 'New Skin', is an undeniably beautiful track but the beauty largely comes from the lush arrangement of Davies' vocals so she could be singing the shipping forecast and I'd still get lost in those warm, luxurious and generous tones. This is the kind of record that you can just let wash over you to soothe your soul but when you're done being soothed then listen again - its the gift that keeps on giving. 

More information: https://www.facebook.com/EmilyDaviesMusic/
