Kaya Hoax - Baby Gear EP 

Release Date: Out Now

The latest starlet to drop off the end of the Canadian talent conveyor belt is Kaya Hoax from Quebec and her debut EP, 'Baby Gear', is worth sitting up and paying attention to. The six track collection gets underway with 'KTD' which gets underway with some rhythmic percussion and sexual moaning before the dirty bass joins in and the whole grabs you by the throat and pushes you up against the wall in the best way. Recent single 'Kicker' continues the industrial-pop theme with Hoax's vocals snaking around your senses like Bludnymph after a trip to Mexico with synthetic melodies firing at you from all angles. 'Hot Water' is more directly aggressive with nods to Princess Superstar, Whale and Marie Davidson as the processed beats underpin the salty and sassy vocal delivery perfectly. 

The 76 seconds of 'Heavy' acts as a warm up act for the brilliantly titled 'Hot Girls with ADD' which takes the percussiveness of this EP to another level as Magi Merlin guests on the mic to make this part duet and rap battle. The EP closes out all too soon on 'Break It Off', the ultimate confidence track that tells you exactly where you can stick your relationship and how far to push it in. Kaya Hoax is taking no prisoners on this EP but she will be gaining new fans thanks to her fresh, raw, honest and uncompromising approach that makes her stand out in an incredibly good way. 

More information: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557123833056

Live Dates: 

5th June - EP Launch @ La Ministere, Quebec
