Have You Ever Seen The Jane Fonda AerobicVHS? - Pool (VILD Records)
Release Date: Out Now
Anyone reading the name Have You Ever Seen The Jane Fonda Aerobic VHS? and thinking "here's a band with a gimmicky name, they won't be any good" would do well to read back on my previous reviews of Have You Ever Seen The Jane Fonda Aerobic VHS? and mark my words carefully. The Finnish trio are unleashing new single 'Pool' on the world and it is an indie-pop delight of wonky keyboard melodies, chugging riffs and slacker energy. Coupled with the 90s MTV inspired video and a slightly unhinged to songwriting, this is the whole package but not one you should judge by the wrapping paper.
More information: https://www.facebook.com/janefondaaerobicvhs
Watch the Video: