Feeder - Torpedo (Big Teeth Music)
Release Date: Out Now
Cards on the table, I'm a big fan of Feeder and have been since their first album 'Polythene' back in 1997 but that doesn't make reviewing a track any easier - it's like teaching one of your children, you're always harder on the ones you love. Fortunately, however, Feeder have stuck with the heavier side of their ouvre as fuzzed up guitars and slamming drums hit hard from the get-go and 'Torpedo' settles in to a Black Sabbath-esque verse. The chorus, however, has that trade-mark Feeder pop-rock blend that makes them so instantly infectious and enduring. There's a new album set for release in March 2022 and a UK tour to follow so, Covid allowing, Feeder will well and truly be back next year. For now, however, we can sustain ourselves on this tasty morsel.
More information: https://www.facebook.com/feederweb
Live Dates:
23rd April - De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill
24th April - O2 Academy, Oxcord
26th April - O2 Guildhall, Southampton
27th April - O2 Academy, Bristol
29th April - Academy, Manchester
30th April - Barrowlands, Glasgow
2nd May - University SU, Newcastle
3rd May - Rock City, Nottingham
5th May - O2 Institute, Birmingham
6th May - O2 Academy, Brixton
Watch the Video: