Emma Pollock x Pippa Murphy - Monochrome 
(Tantrum Records)

Release Date: Out Now

You know Malka, right? I'm always banging on about Malka. Well, Tamara (the woman behind Malka) has, during the pandemic, set up Hen Hoose - an all female/non-binary songwriting collective to showcase the best that Scotland has to offer in that realm. The debut release from the Hen Hoose is this collaboration between Emma Pollock of the Delgados and composer Pippa Murphy, the single 'Monochrome'. The song itself emerges slowly from the morning mist like an unexpected horse rider back from battle before the soft, Magic Numbers meets Spaghetti Western guitars take you on a journey narrated by the gentle, almost mournful vocal harmonies. This is lo-fi, art house cinema music designed to add both style and substance to proceedings but now we just needs a black and white movie about a cowboy in Glasgow to go along with this. Or perhaps a cowgirl would be more appropriate. 

More information: https://www.facebook.com/Henhoose