Jeff Tuohy - The Devil's In New Orleans 

Release Date: Out Now

In these times when travel is out of the question for most people, I'm finding that travelling through film, literature and music is the best form of escapism so come take a trip with me down to New Orleans, courtesy of Jeff Tuohy. 'The Devil's In New Orleans' starts like you've just walked in to a piano bar through a beaded curtain to find Jeff and friends jamming out some blues with jazz inspiration for your enjoyment. Order yourself a drink and sit at the back as the trumpet, drums, bass and piano all jostle for attention, ultimately losing out to Tuohy's beautifully rasping vocal that puts him up on level with Tom Waits or Nick Cave in terms of style and throaty substance. The sway and stomp is absolutely infectious and you'll find yourself wanting to dance before this one is done with you but be warned, the Devil will get in to your dancing shoes.

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