Good Job Honey - Balls From The Back 

Release Date: Out Now

Let's get one thing straight away - this song has nothing to do with Basketball, OK? Good Job Honey are a trio from the West Coast of America who write songs that can't be pinned down to a genre and also grow a bit of Mary Jane in the day time. 'Balls From The Back' is a bass and percussion heavy track that spins the usual gaze of music towards a woman's body and sings an ode to the view of a gentleman's plums from the rear view. It's a bit Flight of the Conchords but also a bit Marvin Gaye (or maybe Mavis Gaye) with its sexy groove and genuine love for testicles. The really funny thing, however, is how weird it feels to singing about balls when there are literally thousands of songs out there about almost every part of the female anatomy. It's funny but it makes you think...

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