Greetings music fans. It’s not often I write a personal note on here but things have gone a bit awry
recently on the health front, so I wanted to check in with you guys. I have been ‘battling’ cancer for four years now and although I’ve been putting up a good fight there seems to be a sting in the tail this time. There’s a melanoma growing on my pancreas that is unresponsive to treatment which means I may only have a few months to live. Normally, I’d try my hand at a few clinical trials around the UK but the coronavirus pandemic means these are all on hold so I’m just trying to contain the tumour with immunotherapy until there’s a trial that might help.

Now, there’s no reason for you to care about any of this of course, this is just a music blog after all. However, I have been too distracted to write about music for a while and that just seems wrong when musicians are struggling to make ends meet and the world needs some distractions of its own. So, with whatever time I’ve got left and when the kids are in bed I plan to get back to some reviewing in the very near future. All I ask of you is that you keep listening to fresh, new and invigorating music. With Monger or without.

If you want to read more about my health journey then please check out my other blog here.