Pattern Pusher – Crazy Enough 
Pattern Pusher - Crazy Enough

Release Date: 31st January 2020

It’s always important to maintain momentum with your creativity (important but not always easy) so it’s really encouraging to find Exeter’s premier funk-pop trio Pattern Pusher following up a superb 2019 with a new release in the form of new single ‘Crazy Enough’. Fittingly enough for the start of a new decade, this new release starts with a sense of hope, positivity and fun as the tight, funky guitars are matched by the unexpectedly playful lyrics of “Hickory Dickory Dock, the mouse ran down the clock”. Taking the infectious grooves of Patawawa and the uber-cool delivery of Transformer and then wrapping it up in something that has more than a hint of the 80s, Pattern Pusher hit the spot yet again and if you haven’t yet had the pleasure then I thoroughly suggest you pull your finger out.

Live Dates:

30th January – Independent Venue Week @ Claptrap, Stourbridge w/Snowflake Generation
31st January – Albert’s Shed, Shrewsbury
7th February – Pattern Pusher Presents @ Phoenix, Exeter w/Velvet Shakes