Jamie Yost – Sunrise 
Jamie Yost - Sunrise

Release Date: Out Now

Technically this ditty came out just before the end of 2019 but I loved it so much I wanted to hold it back to start 2020 with, it just has that ‘new beginnings’ vibe. For those not yet in the know, Devon singer-songwriter Jamie Yost has a talent as soothing as it is heart-breaking and he is in fine form on this most recent single, ‘Sunrise’. Opening with the kind of acoustic hammering and harmonics that Jake Morley is so famous for, Yost soon allows the song to blossom and burst with life so that his voice has the perfect launch pad to take off from. If you feel broken by 2019, the last decade or just festive overindulgence and you want something to soundtrack your rebirth then pop this one on and start 2020 facing in the right direction.