The Good Ones – The Farmer (ANTI-
The Good Ones - The Farmer
Release Date: Out Now
Here’s something a bit different
for you, a change of pace if you will. Rwandan trio The Good Ones have just
signed with ANIT- Records and have an album coming in November but ahead of
that comes new single ‘The Farmer’. Opening with gentle, forlorn guitar ripples
this has the feeling of a folk lament which is matched by the lyrics which
translate in to English as “Stay strong enough to keep fighting, you are the
saviour of us all” which, when related back to the song title, makes a huge
amount of sense. The harmonies of Adrien Kazigira, Janvier Havugimana and Javan
Mahoro sound as though they could have been sung back through the ages but the
message is bang on for a time when the provision of food to feed a growing
population is keenly becoming one of the biggest issues for humanity.
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