Stanley Duke & the Kindred Spirits – Collagen
Stanley Duke and the Kindred Spirits
Release Date: 26th July 2019
Cornish maverick Stanley Duke
made something of a name for himself with his previous band Lost Dawn but he’s
started a new venture with some Kindred Spirits. The first single to be
released by this troupe is ‘Collagen’ and it is something a bit different.
Space-jazz guitars career through an introduction with the kind of pace that
doesn’t care for hanging on to the handlebars too much before laser beam synths
sweep in from the distance. Blend-wise, this is something between the Flaming
Lips, the Pet Shop Boys, the Long Blondes and the Lovely Eggs which is, I’m
sure you’ll agree, a mouth watering prospect. Stanley Duke is not afraid to
push boundaries and be creative which is something sorely lacking in the music
world these days so we all need to be kindred spirits with this guy.
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