Paul Armer & the Long Way Down – Something That Will Never Be Mine/Breathe Me In
Release Date: Out Now
Westcountry bluesman Paul Armer
has been slow and methodically transforming from a soloist in to a frontman an
this double release shows just how far he’s come on that journey with his band,
the Long Way Down. The first half of this release is ‘Something That Will Never
Be Mine’ which nervously twitches in to life with an acoustic riff that soon
emerges in to glorious sunlight with the soothing pedal steel of Jim MacGregor
making everything better. Armer’s voice is wonderfully unique and fits the
country ballad that this is perfectly, singing of loss, regret, missed
opportunities and goodbyes. “Still I seem to want more until I get more then
all I want is less” is a great line and speaks with more wisdom and experience
than anyone of his tender years should have a right to.
‘Breathe Me In’ is the flip side
of this particular coin and it slides in to view with a real sense of
heartbreak about it and a bass line that goes for a walk on the line. Fans of
Dylan and Cash will enjoy this for its authenticity but what Paul Armer and the
Long Way Down have is a contemporary take on a classic style with a deliciously
clean and unfettered sound. There’s more to come from these gents but there is
plenty to chew on right here so that will keep you going for now.
More information:
Live Dates:
4th April – Blues Bar, Plymouth
12th April – Single Launch @ the Junction,
Plymouth w/Drakes Island