Lucy Mason – Runway 
Lucy Mason - Runway

Release Date: Out Now

I’ve always been fascinated by the energy (positive and negative) that is generated at major transport terminals as people say hello, goodbye, don’t go, don’t come back and myriad other emotions are displayed. The imperious Lucy Mason has tackled this emotive part of everyday life on new single ‘Runway’ as she sings “I’ll be waiting on the runway, I didn’t want to leave you like that”. The scattered fragments of voicemails and snatched words in the background give this an unfinished quality that works really well in juxtaposition with the soaring guitar notes and Mason’s voice that is dripping in regret and missed chances. The song finishes as abruptly as the cabin doors closing for the last time and you’re left with a real feeling of loss so the next time you’re off to Majorca with your mates, spare a thought for the lovers saying goodbye while you sing ‘Jeremy Corbyn’ to the White Stripes at the top of your lager soaked voices.