Sophie Bernice – Learn to Love Again (Klee
Sophie Bernice - Learn to Love Again
Release Date: 29th June 2018
To listen to this track in
isolation is to miss the point somewhat as there is a video that forces the
point home with extra strength. ‘Learn to Love Again’ is Sophie Bernice’s
attempt to heal the wounds of a world ripping itself apart in the pursuit of
power, greed and money. Bernice’s voice has an almost angelic tone to it that
soars effortlessly above the emotive instrumentation and gives your heart the
opportunity to hope that love will conquer all. The images that flash in front
of your eyes as you listen are of hate-filled and power-hungry world leaders,
ignorant masses and the occasional flash of someone with love in their hearts
and a desire spread happiness. This is a call to arms, but it’s not done with a
shout or a scream, it’s done with a solid, steely sense of determination and
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Watch the Video: