Cherryade – Empress 
Cherryade - Empress

Release Date: Out Now

Coincidentally following on from Elle Exxe’s ‘Queen’ this week, London duo Cherryade have gone and trumped their pop colleague by releasing ‘Empress’ – it’s like playing poker with an extended regal deck of cards. This latest release from the attitude fuelled pair of popsters sits nicely alongside the likes of Angie in terms of it’s in your face style riding on top of some sparse but brutal beats and minimal instrumentation. No, instead we get the repeated vocal of “I’m what they want, want, yeah” like a school yard chant straight outta Brooklyn but with all the balls of a Hip-Hop superstar. Cherryade are starting to shift through the gears now moving away from their cheeky-pop roots to a more confident sound that is full of ambition and intention. That said, they still take a few seconds to have a pop at cold calling no-win-no-fee solicitors so they’ve retained a bit of a sense of humour….which is nice. The ‘cultural appropriation’ of the artwork is bang on topic too so that should get a few more hits on Twitter.

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