Tami Neilson – Stay Outta My Business 
Tami Neilson - Stay Outta My Business

Release Date: Out Now

Canadian born Tami Neilson has sought creative inspiration from her adopted home of Auckland, New Zealnd, and it seems to be doing her good. New single, ‘Stay Outta My Business’, occupies the space that Paloma Faith, Caro Emerald and Meghan Trainor operate within which is no bad thing but when you combine a voice that could be Amy Winehouse if she’d hung around long enough to work with Shirley Bassey as a mentor then you’re on to something special. Throw in a lush horn section, a tight back-beat and a Theremin, of all things,  and you’ve got one hell of a tune which works as the perfect calling card for her new album out soon.

Live Dates:

25th August – Tonder Festival, Tonder
26th August – Tonder Festival, Tonder
28th August – Q-Bus, Leiden
29th August – Burgerweeshuis, Deventer
30th August – Ripspique, Lier
3rd September – Boule Noire, Paris
4th September – Bush Hall, London w/Luke Winslow-King
6th September – Rock & Blues, Zaragoza
7th September – El Sol, Madrid
8th September – Loco Club, Valencia
9th September – Rocksound, Barcelona
11th September – Harmonie, Bonn
12th September – Roadrunners Paradise, Berlin
13th September – Das Bett, Frankfurt
14th September – Nochtspeiche, Hamburg