<Track Not Found> - Science (Gone Wrong) 

<Track Not Found> - Science (Gone Wrong)
Release Date: 21st April 2018

I’m really pleased that Guernsey trio <Track Not Found> are back with a new single having only recently discovered them via their debut EP. ‘Science (Gone Wrong)’ is an indie-rock chug of a song that occasionally wanders off in to Glam territory but styles it out and keeps the energy levels high. The brilliantly unique and dramatic vocals of Grace Tayler take this to another level, however, and the Adam Ant-esque rhythm section break down is superb showing the attention these three have given to song-writing as much as performance. Their Facebook pages describes them as “Apocalyptic blues metal scream riot teen rock” which covers a lot of ground but the main thing to note is that this is a hungry group of talented women who are building up the momentum to get them off their island and on to wider horizons.

Live Dates:

9th May – Last Post, Guernsey
25th May – Fermain Tavern, Guernsey
2nd June – Market Square, Guernsey
30th June – CHAOS Festival, Pleinmont
1st July – CHAOS BOTB, Pleinmont
26th August – Vale Earth Fair, Vale Castle
27th October – SOUND Festival, St James