IDestroy – Pure Joy of Life EP

IDestroy - Pure Joy of Life

Release Date: Out Now
Bristol trio IDestroy describe
their music as party-punk and new EP ‘Pure Joy of Life’ does nothing to discredit
that assertion. Opening up with the two and a half minutes of ‘Milkshake Sky’ and
the guitar throb is as satisfying as the sneer in the vocals or the growl in
the bass line that rumbles throughout this one – it’s a delicious opening. ‘Lemons’
keeps the pace up and maintains the bass grumble but with pop this time and an
opening line of “you’ve got a face like you’ve been sucking on a lemon, you ain’t
no fun” which is possibly the most British line that started a song since Chas
& Dave were still pumping out the hits. I love it.
EP title track ‘Pure Joy of Life’
is up next and hits harder with the pop-punk riffage while the sweet vocal
melody cuts through like lemon in honey and if the urge to move isn’t in you by
the end of this three minuter then you’ve got issues. ‘Alcohol and Vitamins’
has a sleazier, more American sound to it which moves away from the punk
blueprint towards a more straight-up rock’n’roll style and these ladies can
more than hold their own in either genre. This collection closes out on the furious,
visceral and unrelenting three chord churn of ‘And You Know’ which has a real
New York punk vibe and the best drumming on the EP by a long stretch. Joining
the likes of Rews, Berries and a growing army of others, IDestroy are standing
proudly at the forefront of the Female British rock scene and it is in safe
More information:
Live Dates:
21st March – The Shed, Leicester
22nd March – The Cavern, Exeter
23rd March – The Dome, London
24th March – The Joiners, Southampton
25th March – The Exchange, Bristol
28th March – Kellerklub, Stuttgart
29th March – Beteigeuze, Ulm
31st March – Zukunft, Chemnitz
1st April – K3, Hameln
2nd April – Schokoladen, Berlin
4th April – Nachtigall, Koln
5th April – Schaubude, Kiel
6th April – Menschenzoo, Hamburg
7th April – Feinstaub, Frankfurt