Turbowolf - Domino

Turbowolf – Domino (So Recordings)

Release Date: Out Now

Now, I love Turbowolf as much as the next guy but in what world did they wake up and think “what we need is to make our sound bigger and heavier. Let’s call that fella from Royal Blood”? Well, it was in this world and so ‘Domino’ was born of the unholy marriage between Turbowolf and Mike Kerr of Royal Blood. Needless to say, this is a beast of a tune with blistering, machine gun bass and guitars mixed in with yelping vocals and drums that could puncture a lung at 20 paces. Throw in some Queens of the Stone Age guitar licks and dark tones that would wake the living dead and you’ve got yourself a theme tune for a remake of the Munsters. With extra beef.

Live Dates:

9th March – Academy 3, Manchester
10th March – Stereo, Glasgow
11th March – O2 Academy 2, Newcastle
13th March – Rescue Rooms, Nottingham
14th March – Scala, London
15th March – Bierkeller, Bristol
27th March – Cologne, MTC
28th March – Strom, Munich
29th March – Lucerna Music Bar,  Prague
30th March – Pralnia, Wroclaw
31st March – Hydrozagadka, Warsaw
2nd April – Musik & Frieden, Berlin
3rd April – Molotov, Hamburg
4th April – Melkweg, Amsterdam

Watch the Video: