Matt Emery – Empire 
Matt Emery - Empire

Release Date: Out Now

I’m getting increasingly encouraged and inspired by the number of composers coming my way as opposed to singer-songwriters and Matt Emery is the latest to soothe my troubled soul with his mastery of the piano. The latest track, ‘Empire’, is built around a relatively simple and repetitive piano riff that moves with the slow and meaningful solemnity of a funeral march until the strings join in to make this swell in to something so utterly cleansing and beautiful that I don’t mind admitting it brought a tear to my eye on first listen. I can be a morbid and music obsessed beast at the best of times so I often consider my own funeral playlist and this tune has just put itself in strong contention which is meant as a very high complement. I urge you to clear your mind and put aside 4 minutes to listen to this, really listen to it’s simple beauty and ascending mood – do this without thinking of a lost love one or your own mortality and you’re doing well. Do it without breathing a little heavier or wiping the moistness from your eye and you’re emotionally stunted.  Don’t listen to it at sunrise though, your heart might just burst and I won’t be held responsible.