Tears For Piers – Songs…..of sorts 
Tears For Piers 

Release Date: It’s out there

I don’t normally go much novelty songs but there is a special place in hell for certain people and those people deserve to have novelty songs written about them. Donald Trump, Michael Gove, Katie Hopkins – they’re all there drinking some horrible cocktail and, oh look, who’s this? It’s bloody Piers Morgan. Fortunately, we now have an appropriate soundtrack provided the self-professed foremost UK based Piers Morgan tribute band (probably in the world although there may be a superior act in Luxembourg).

This collection of songs includes the direct onslaught of ‘Everybody Wants to Punch My Face’ which features the strangely desperate and confused line “everywhere I go people just want to punch me in the face…”. Then there’s ‘Flout’ (aka ‘Shout’), a song dedicated to how the wobbly faced outrage-spout likes to blatantly ignore the laws of whichever country he happens to sucking his living out of. And then there’s the uber-poignant ‘Swallowing the Seed of Trump’ that would be more funny if it wasn’t to utterly fucking terrifying. Musically this isn’t the best thing in the world but at times like this we need protest and we need satire so these things need sharing.

More information: Oh hell no

Watch The Videos:

Everybody Wants to Punch My Face: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKgcXL54NkU

Swallowing the Seed of Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FSyMcwru9c
