Lucy Mason – Hunger 
Lucy Mason - Hunger

Release Date: 27th January 2017

Sydney songstress Lucy Mason has decamped to London and is planning to launch her dreamy alt-pop on an unsuspecting public in 2017. The first shot across the bows for the year is the single ‘Hunger’ and from the very beginning you can tell this is a class act and something borne out of love and devotion. The soft, sultry keys and subtle, shuffling beat sees day break over the city horizon and then comes the voice. Lucy Mason has a voice that is so delicate and sweet that you might expect it to be blown away on a soft summer’s breeze but there is a steely resolve here as well that hints at something more powerful lying just beneath the surface. Mason’s chosen genre is ‘Pop but not pop’ and I would agree with that to agree but I think there is a very soulful underside here that reminds me of the likes of Sade in her prime. The perfect music for sunny Sunday mornings while you decide what you want to do with the rest of the day.