W.H. Lung – Inspiration (Hed Glo Inc.) 
W.H. Lung - Inspiration

Release Dates: Out Now

It is bold, to say the least, to begin one’s career with a near eight-minute psych-meander accompanied by some artwork depicting a yellow double decker bus that looks like a prop from a Chuckle Brothers episode. Some would say fool-hardy but I’m sticking with bold. Nevertheless, Manchester trio W.H. Lung are introduction themselves to polite society with seven minutes and forty-two seconds ‘Inspiration’ which is quite something. Building from a throbbing base, a disco beat soon gets things moving but the anticipation is only pricked at around the minute mark as swagger guitars join in. Then the Django Django meets Mark E. Smith vocals make things a little more ‘arty’ and you start to picture the sweat dripping from the walls of an underground Mancunian nightclub as these three jerk and reel about the stage. Manc classics like Joy Division and the Stone Roses seep out through the weaving guitars and erratic vocals mixed in with urgent, unrelenting drums. This is definitely bold, I’m standing by that statement, but I would also say this bold move is entirely justified by an electrifying debut.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/whlungmusic