BEING – Over 
BEING - Over

Release Date: Out Now

West Sussex duo BEING are perfect for a certain time on a certain day which is particularly niche. Their debut release, ‘Over’, is downtempo durge folk with an ambient side that brings to mind certain obscure but much loved (by me) acts like Contact Mo and the Slow Life. The throbbing guitar strings and morose vocals are perfect for the kind of grey day that only the UK can serve up but then that could be true of Nick Cave or the Tindersticks. No, the particular day that this music is perfect for is some time between Christmas and New Year when you’re a teenager or perhaps you’re living away from home and your significant other has just dumped you. Sure, things are bleak and the vocals capture that perfectly but there is a new year, a new hope and a new you just around the corner and the subtle power in the rumbling bass strings force that home sublimely. These two gents create magic with just a bass and a voice, bleak magic but magic nonetheless.

Live Dates:

13th October – Marwood Café, Brighton w/Talitha Rise