Kuerty Uyop - The Syndrome Of Peter Pan (feat. Chainsaw) 
Kuerty Uyop - The Syndrome Of Peter Pan (feat. Chainsaw)

Release Date: Out Now

Part Italian, part Scottish, a bit priesty and a touch Karate inspired. That's the mix of ingredients that make up the gumbo that is keyboard inspired duo Kuerty Uyop. New single, 'The Syndrome Of Peter Pan', starts with a jerky guitar line and a lyric that whispers about the fear of growing old - not the normal topic for a dance song but then a steadily pumping beat kicks in and suddenly this is a dance floor tune. Sure, it's a little on the Europop side of things for my liking but it's perky, positive and the video is downright intriguing. I don't really know what to make of Kuerty Uyop which is a good thing in many ways but I'm going to wait to hear more from them before making a final decision.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/kuerty.uyop/?fref=ts

Watch The Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaeHxMeqQrc