Joan ov Arc - Live Rock'n'Roll (Red Vixen Records) 
Joan  ov Arc - Live Rock'n'Roll

Release Date: 27th November 2015

All-female rock bands tend to make me feel slightly uneasy. Now, this isn't because I'm a raging bigot who believes the only place for a woman at a rock show is backstage and on her knees. No, it's because that very viewpoint exists and I've seen men ogling over women playing their hearts out, belittling their talent in one misogynistic groan. So, I'm always hopeful that bands like Joan ov Arc will blow my mind with their music and their new single, 'Live Rock'n'Roll', is their shot. The track starts with drums powered by runaway horses and the impending doom of a melody rolling over the horizon. There's a high energy, big hair and heavy melody level of fun to this that would see it fit in anywhere from 80s LA to the present day as long as it's in a rock bar and turned up to eleven. The likes of Buckcherry, Guns'n'Roses and Andrew WK spring to mind with the spirit of Siouxsie Sioux running through it like blood through a stick of rock. More please, much more.

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