Streetfight Silence - Dreamer EP 
Streetfight Silence - Dreamer EP

Release Date: 1st December 2014

The lead track on this EP is called 'Dream On, Dreamer' and every time I read it I think of that tune by 90s annoyances Brand New Heavies which is unfortunate. This song, though, is a choppy, fast paced piece of rock that chugs, churns and beats its chest to get the point across in dark clothes improbably haircuts and lip rings. The Bracknell quartet have thrown in a couple of extra tunes to sweeten the deal of this free download and the first of these is 'Forever', a blistering track that wears a host of alt-rock influences on its black leather sleeve. The other tune is an acoustic version of 'Dream On, Dreamer' which does show a different element to the song and the band but doesn't really add a huge amount to the EP. Then again, what did you expect for free? Another example of the burgeoning underground rock scene in the UK that is surely going to bubble to the surface any day now.

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