Sol Trax - Jungle Wiggum 
Sol Trax - Jungle Wiggum

I know very little about Sol Trax other than the fact that it is the latest vehicle for a guy named Tom from Bristol. Oh, and that this new single is a bit bonkers. 'Jungle Wiggum' is not a tropical version of the Simpons' police chief but rather a tune that emerges from the thick of the jungle surrounded by the gentle thrum of rhythms  and heat. This is a tune that is steeped in the Bristol electro scene made famous by the likes of Roni Size and Tricky but has a more expansive feel that is more akin to the likes of Gilbert or Lemon Jelly. There's more to come from Sol Trax, this isn't the finished product, but 'Jungle Wiggum' is a damn fine start. And it's fun to say...Jungle Wiggum....Jun-gle Wigg-um.

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