Benjamin Clementine - Condolence 
Benjamin Clementine - Condolence

This isn't so much a single as the lead track from a new EP courtesy of suave North Londoner Benjamin Clementine but, well, just look at the guy....this deserves some attention. 'Condolence' is based around a simple piano riff and a simple beat which is all the better for Clementine's rich, smooth vocal and unique delivery to shine through. Part spoken word and part Jazz lounge delivery, Clementine possesses that rare thing in a truly unique and recognisable voice that sets him apart from anyone else making music at the moment. The song itself builds slowly and steadily over five minutes to a life affirming crescendo of emotion without ever really breaking sweat. Just in case there was any doubt that this isn't quite the full package then you can also add model good looks and a video that could be an aftershave commercial in to the mix. Certainly one to watch but, more importantly, one to listen to.

More information:

Watch The Video:

Live Dates:

7th August - Haldern Pop Festival, Haldern
29th August - End Of The Road Festival, Larmer Tree Gardens
31st August - Picnic In The Park, Oslo
6th September - Into The Great Wide Open, Vlieland
16th October - Cafe Budapest, Budapest
29th October - Emmanuel Centre, London
28th November - Karlstorbahnhof, Heidelberg
29th November - Stadtgarten, Cologne
7th December - Lanteren Venster, Rotterdam
8th December - Paradiso, Amsterdam

9th December - Doornroosje, Nijmegen