Stephen Emmer feat. Glen Gregory - Untouchable/A Break In
The Weather
Stephen Emmer - Untouchable |
Mr Stephen Emmer is one of those
people lurking in the shadows of popular music history and, whilst recognised
by those inside the machine, he is perhaps unknown to the rest of use mere
mortals. This new release from the Dutch composer and conceptual artist sees
him team up with the velvet voiced Glenn Gregory of Heaven 17 fame as well as
uber-producer Tony Visconti. 'Untouchable' is, essentially, the best James Bond
theme that has never been used and would be a triumph with the Gregory's voice
lying like a layer of smooth caramel atop a complex layer of Muse-esque
orchestral dramatic melodies. The other track here, 'A Break In the Weather',
is in a similar vein but it's more the theme for a James Bond that sees the
most British of heroes stuck inside on a rainy day in Sheffield while his arch
villain taunts him from the living room window across the road. It could be a
latter day Pulp song or something by the likes of Baby Bird or Divine Comedy.
Either way, this is rich, grandiose stuff with ambition and a sense of the opulent
which you would be made to resist.
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