Lovestarrs - Get Your Sexy On 
Lovestarrs - Get Your Sexy On

Release Date: 31st March 2014

Well this is one of those good news stories that we don't hear enough of in the music industry these days. The Good Natured were a fantastic trio making awesome indie-pop songs but they got chewed up by the music biz and went dark for a while. However, they didn't let that beat them and they're back under the new name Lovestarrs (better name I think) and this is their debut single under that new identity. With a name like Lovestarrs and a song called 'Get Your Sexy On' you can bet your bottom dollar that this ain't gonna be some introspective, moody folk music for navel gazers and, sure enough, it ain't. 'Get Your Sexy On' is Dubstar meets Ellie Goulding with a rousing Katy Perry-esque chorus that has a little more British grit about it than the former Mrs Brand could ever muster. The big, big beats drive this beauty forward while Sarah's vocals implore you to "Get your sexy on" in a way that most English singers would be too reserved to even approach. More than a single, this is a statement of intent and defiant return from the wilderness - both of which I wholeheartedly applaud.

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