Say Yes Dog - A Friend (Free Download) 
Say Yes Dog - A Friend

Release Dates: 9th December 2013

I went to Luxembourg once on the way to Holland. I stopped, had a drink, took a photo of my shoes and got back in the car. I was nine. But still, such is Luxembourg's diminutive stature, there's a relatively high chance that whilst sat in the back of my dad's Renault, listening to the Pet Shop Boys on my yellow walkman, we drove alongside one of the three Luxembourgers that make up Say Yes Dog - Aaron, Pascal and Paul. This latest offering from the trio, and as a free download it really is an offering, goes by the name 'A Friend' and it has me torn between two influences. It's either Hot Chip playing a trendy kids birthday party or it's Kraftwerk following a series of expensive divorces trying to write a more club friendly tune. Either way, 'A Friend' is a chirpy little beast of a tune and maybe, just maybe, it's time I went back to Luxembourg (by the way, if you're wondering why I was taking a photo of my shoes it's because I was going through a phase of proving that I'd been places by taking photos of my feet standing in that place. I could probably sell those photos as a coffee table book to people in East London now).

Live Dates:
16th November - MFM Festival, Luxembourg
18th November - Unikneipe, Landau
19th November - Schon Schon, Mainz
21st November -Astra Stube, Hamburg
22nd November - 1210, Stuttgart
23rd November - Seven, Geldern
25th November - Weekender, Innsbruck
26th November - Blue Shell, Koln w/When People Had Computers
27th November - Privatclub, Berlin w/Chaplin
28th November - Aaltra, Chemnitz
29th November - Musik Club Garage, Decin
30th November - Noch Besser Lebenm, Leipzig
1st December - Heimat, Regensberg w/Asbjorn
2nd December - Strom, Munchen w/Asbjorn
3rd December - Glashaus, Beyreuth w/Asbjorn
11th December - L'International, Paris
12th December - Ex-Haus, Trier
13th December - Hafen 2, Offenbach
14th December - Glimps Festival, Ghent
18th December - Oakford Social Club, Reading

19th December - Hoxton Square Bar & Kitchen, London