Let's Kill Janice - Shake My Head 
Let's Kill Janice - Shake My Head

I met a lady called Janice today, possibly the first Janice I've ever met, and then I got home to find an email entitled Let's Kill Janice. I have to admit, I was a little confused, disturbed and scared until I realised Let's Kill Janice was just the collective name for four self-confessed slackers from Bristol. Those four slackers - the Camberwick Green-esque Joe, Joe, Gigi and Josh - create gloriously rattling, shambling indie-pop which, if I'm being completely honest, is probably a bit fast paced in this instance to be truly called 'slacker'. 'Shake My Head' reminds me of the first time I saw the Subways in a crappy bar in North London and the drummer was over-enthusiastically throwing in too many drum fills while the boy/girl vocals hung on to the harmonies by the tips of their fingers. This is the essence of youth packaged in to a musical three and a half minute treat. Enjoy.

Listen/Free Download Here: https://soundcloud.com/lets-kill-janice