Milo's Planes - Told You Twice/New Tricks AA Side 
Milo's Planes - Told You Twice/New Tricks

Release Date: 26th July

Such is the healthy state of the undiscovered music scene in the UK (I hate to use unsigned now, everyone's unsigned aren't they?), that so many bands I come across are sharing members with other bands and often in a completely musical sphere. Such is the case with Bristol sibling duo Milo's Planes whose drummer, Joe Sherrin, already performs with previous Listen With Monger favourites Me, You and Thomas. The beauty in doing this, though, is the opportunity to express your different musical leanings while you decide what it is that turns you on the most. In the case of Milo's Planes, brothers Joe and Harry are exploring their lo-fi indie-punk side channelling the Fall and the Sex Pistols mixed with We Are Scientists and A in A-side number one, 'Told You Twice'. There's simplicity, a rough'n'readiness that has a huge appeal and an urgency that suggests they were running low on the electricity meter whilst recording this in their bedrooms surrounded by bottles of half drunk cheap red wine and the fading posters of their musical idols. 'New Tricks' is an altogether more mature sounding song which suggests real talent in the construction of an anthemic melody and some sneering but perfectly pitched vocal harmonies. In fact, the only frustrating thing about this duo is that you feel like they are spending too much time sampling the buffet when, with a little patience and work, they could easily dining at a banquet - such is the quality of their potential. Still, they've only got 34 likes on Facebook so why not pop over and give them a boost, might make them stick at something longer than five today eh?