CANDICE GORDON - Smoking Like The Barrel Of A Gun
Candice Gordon - Smoking Like The Barrel Of A Gun

In this age of information overload, it’s a funny mix of refreshing and frustrating that Candice Gordon has next to no internet presence. I mean there are videos and tunes aplenty but there is pretty much no information about who or what Candice Gordon actually is. That puts me in the relatively unique position of being able to review this single based solely on the music and one photo. So, here goes....

18 seconds in and this track is dripping in PJ Harvey’s eccentricity, Karen O’s attitude and the Duke Spirit’s ballsy femininity. If you let the track play on you will discover that this is not a complicated or sophisticated track but it still stands up alongside those aforementioned heroines of rock’n’roll. This is tub-thumping, foot-stomping, fist-pumping stuff that should be played in a bar with sweat dripping off the walls, a crowd hanging off the sweat and then other people hanging off those people. There is a primal, raw and urgent nature to this tune that is infectious and the addition of some genuinely excited squeals alongside some borderline sexual noises from Ms Gordon make this a genuinely exciting slab of leather-clad, crotch grabbing rock’n’roll fun. Which crotch the song grabs, however, is entirely up to you.

Live Dates:
5th July – Bull & Gate, London
10th July – Instore @ Rough Trade East, London