Joshua KYEOT – She Loves Me Not EP 
Joshua KYEOT - She Loves Me Not EP

Release Date: Out Now

Ghanaian singer-songwriter Joshua KYEOT (the capitalisation is important) is quietly making a name for himself on the London scene but this latest release, a three track EP under the title ‘She Loves Me Not’, might just see him start to make a bit more noise. Proceedings get underway with the funky guitar line on ‘S-Block’ and KYEOT’s uber-soulful vocal enticing you in and if you’re head is bobbing by the time the first chorus drops then you’re not listening properly. Bursting with rock’n’roll energy and slathered in gorgeous organs, this is the kind of tune that will have venues erupting in ecstasy and sheer, primal response.

Next up is ‘The Lindsay Interlude’, a track that drops the mood down to a soulful keys and vocals ballad with elements of Seal in KYEOT’s velvety smooth voice. This is only a short tune but it is long enough to arrest your attention and calm the noise buzzing around you. The EP finishes with ‘Still’, a lament on the end of a relationship that has turned sour even though you still yearn for the one who has fallen out of love with you. The bluesy guitar notes are matched only by Hozier on the current scene but that voice is just entirely unique and utterly, utterly beautiful. More noise Mr KYEOT, make more noise and let us rejoice in it.

Live Dates:

7th February – Sebright Arms, London