The Rigs – The Hunted 
The Rigs - The Hunted

Release Date: Out Now

Picture the scene. A post-apocalyptic, barren landscape from which emerges a rag-tag group of Mad Max-style hunters, gatherers, warriors and thinkers. This is the year 2200 and the fall-out from Trump’s nuclear war-games has finally been dealt with by Mother Nature so tribes are starting to emerge from their generations of hiding. This is the opening scene of a film not yet even conceived but, luckily, LA duo The Rigs have already written the perfect opening tune; ‘The Hunted’. Dystopian, industrial and sparse to begin with, Caitlin Parrott’s elfin vocal soon adds the green shoots of hope and optimism to a tune that builds through the electronic pulses and trills. By the time the song fades out (to start the first scene, of course) we are left in no doubt that our group of unlikely heroes might be running from something (or someone) but they’ll be ready for a fight when they find one. Now we just need a script writer and some plucky young actors. And Morgan Freeman to do the narration.