Hafdis Huld – Take Me Dancing 
Hafdis Huld - Take Me Dancing

Release Date: Out Now

Icelandic songbird Hafdis Huld is new to me but is on the verge of knocking out her fourth album so is pretty experienced at this game now. New single ‘Take Me Dancing’ has a gentle assuredness about it and feels like it should be the soundtrack to that ‘falling in love’ scene that all Rom-Coms have. Huld’s gentle vocal is pure and enchanting while the guitar bounces perkily and the piano keys trill playfully. There is something wonderfully innocent about this tune that speaks of love in its most basic form, that feeling you get when you just want to spend time with another person and forget about everything else for a while. Huld wants to go dancing and hold her lover close, nothing more than that. Surely that’s something we can all celebrate and get on board with.