Louise Brennan – The Culture of Resistance 
Louis Brennan - The Culture of Resistance

Release Date: Out Now

Dublin’s Louis Brennan, currently hanging out in London town, is the latest emerging artist to have penned a song about the current state of the world and, particularly, the nightmarish quagmire that is British politics at the moment. Terrorist nutjobs aside, there’s a political battle going on at the moment and Brennan sums it up beautifully ‘The Culture of Resistance’ in his equally beautiful baritone country drawl. Over a soft, gentle acoustic ripple, Brennan sings slowly and purposefully “I want to believe, to be swept along when the feeling is strong but I just pretend to care, hungover in my underwear”. This is Johnny Cash singing a Divine Comedy song as the bombs fall and all that’s left is a village in the far reaches of Scotland and the Scotch won’t last much longer. There is something glorious and tragic about this song which is matched by the montage video which shows Western consumerism in direct contrast with the nothingness felt elsewhere in this messed up world. Humbling.

Live Dates:

29th June – The Islington, London
22nd July – The Harrison, London

Watch The Video: