Michaela May – Lights Out 
Michael May - Lights Out

Release Date: Out Now

So Michaela May is an aspiring Pop Princess in the Taylor Swift mode – fun, sexy and sassy but with a steely edge and at least one eye always on the prize. It’s no surprise, then, that ‘Lights Out’ is a slick, catchy and mainstream friendly slice of sing-a-long pop that will work equally well in nightclubs and open top cars on girl’s nights out. Think bouncy synth melodies, 80s pop guitar notes and vocals that switch from breathless to powerful with the blink of a heavily made up eye. May has all the ingredients for success in the pop world all she needs is that hit that catches the ear and this might just be that hit. Not bad for a girl from the small town of Aberdeen in central Saskatchewan, eh?

Live Dates:

21st August – Poprocket (Michaela May & August Rigo) - The Drake Hotel, Toronto