A Higher Demise - My Therapist Knows You By Name (Ambicon Records) 
A Higher Demise - My Therapist Knows You By Name

As song titles go, 'My Therapist Knows You By Name' is one of the more intriguing I've come across recently and the video featuring a sexy zombie nurse and glow in the dark bass strings is pretty exciting. In fact, A Higher Demise have got a tight, polished and slick metal sound that beats you around the ears with its intensity and power. My only problem with this song is that it just doesn't really grab me in any way that makes me want to give it a second spin. I mean, I get the screaming and speed drumming intermingled with furiously choppy riffs but other than that there just isn't much personality to this song. I suspect there is more to come from the Dartford quintet but on the strength of this release I'm not sold.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/AHigherDemiseBand

Watch The Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfP_C8948Ow