Hana Piranha - Back Again (Animal Farm) 
Hana Pirhana - Back Again

Release Date: 12th May 2014

Always intriguing and engaging, Hana Piranha is back with another single ahead of the debut album and this time it's got a big, big sound. 'Back Again' is full of huge, distorted Placebo-esque guitars playing almost Eastern European sounding melodies and pounding drums that sound like they want to break down some walls. Hana Piranha's vocal performance is part PJ Harvey and part Courtney Love with a real sense of menace and mischief behind the delivery. There are some trademark violins which I'm not sure really work on this song but the upshot is that is music for dominatrix (and yes that is the proper plural term, I Googled it and everything) their clients who love all things abrasive. That last sentence was intended as a compliment by the way, just to clarify that.

More information: http://www.hanapiranha.com/

Live Dates: 

7th May - New Cross Inn, London (FREE)
9th May - Great Escape Festival @ The Tube, Brighton
13th May - Forty Two, Worthing

26th May - SOWK, Richmond (ACOUSTIC)