Us - Underground Renaissance (Krautpop!) 

Release Date: 20th September 2024

Take three brothers and two school friends from Finland, shake them up with a bunch of excellent influences and what you get is Us. Well, them. Them are Us. Anyway, confusing band names aside, 'Underground Renaissance' is the debut album from the Finnish five piece out this month via the emerging Cornish label Krautpop!. We get underway with the urgent grunge-pop of 'Night Time' which hums like the engine of a Harley but surges like the Hives with liquid Iggy Pop in the tank and veins respectively. 'Snowball Season' has a harmonica fuelled rock'n'roll energy which is a blend of Jet, the Beatles and Redd Kross that goes down a treat before recent single 'Hop On A Cloud' goes a little mellower on us for a momentary respite. 

This is a joyous album of melodies, energy and off kilter lyrics with 'Paisley Underground' bringing the energy back to a more urgent, more direct and generally freer time in rock'n'roll history. 'Just My Situation' starts slow but soon erupts into a tune that sits between the Kinks and the Who, vibe wise, while 'In And Out My Head' is a straight up 90s scando-indie track along the lines of Fungus or the Wannadies. On 'Citroen Blues' I get suspicious that the band were in my C3 the time 2 of the tyres got slashed but the rock'n'roll fun soon allays any fears and I'm already dreaming of a line up featuring Us alongside the Velvet Hands. The soft guitar intro to 'Carry Your Bag' has a Hendrix-esque deftness while the rest of the song has more in common with the Monkees but 'Don't Call The Cavalry' has a swagger to it that makes you want to get down and dirty with the band. 

The album closes out on 'While You Danced', a track that almost struggles to keep up with itself in the verse before allowing time to breathe in the chorus. Like I said, some amazing influences, a huge bundle of energy and a lot of fun. A strong album, an extremely strong debut and one that should grab them a whole new bunch of fans. 

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Live Dates: 

16th November - In The City Festival, Leeds