Dizraeli – Madness 
Dizraeli - Madness

Release Date: Out Now

Bristol’s Dizraeli apparently wrote this tune in response to 2016 and all of its madness – Trump, Brexit, me getting diagnosed with cancer (I’m not sure he was aware of that last one but it sticks out in my mind). ‘Madness’ lurches and bubbles along with that Bristol sound that Tricky and Goldie did so well with as well as the kind of strained, clenched teeth rapping that only comes from a period of being so stretched out on the rack of life that you can’t take it anymore. Dizraeli is the kind of artist that truly lives up to the title of artist as each word, beat, note and harmonious noise is carefully deliberated over by a tortured soul and a passionate heart. Well worth taking your time over.

19th-21st July – Larmer Tree Festival, Salisbury